Wednesday 18 March 2009


I recently re-evaluated my project. I have managed to condense it into a few paragraphs and images.

I am interested in how everyday objects are used, and how this use can be altered to create interesting, and fantastical scenarios.

Everyday life is hard, we all have to do things we don’t want to do. We experience stress, guilt and anger as a result of things that are beyond our control. We think nothing of taking a weekend away, or booking time off for a holiday, but in times as stressful as these, do we need more than just a holiday? What if you could temporarily escape your own reality?

My project aims to facilitate a change of identity by subverting the mundane use of everyday objects. When engaging with the products the user’s routine is changed, and they can, for one moment, swap identity to become an action hero, a film noir star, or a kung-fu fighter.





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